Saturday, November 27, 2010

7 Chakras

As per the ancient Hindu scriptures and traditions, there are seven chakras located in the human body, all in the upper part of the body, which work as energy centers and mind-body interface. They are generally visualized as rotating whorls of light, or flower shaped fans. The speed of rotation of these whorls indicate the health of that particular chakra. They are considered as the focal point of transmitting and receiving energy, and any obstruction in any of the chakras causes abnormalities in human body.

The seven chakras are as follows:

1. Mooladhar chakra - located close to the last bone of spinal column
2. Swadishthan chakra - located behind the genitals
3. Manipur chakra - located in the naval area
4. Anahat chakra - located near the heart area
5. Vishuddha chakra - near the throat area
6. Aagya chakra - located between the two eyebrows, the third eye area
7. Sahasrara chakra - located at the top of the head

Each of the above chakras plays a key role in the functioning of human body, primarily the endocrine system, which is responsible for the release and balance of hormones in the body.

Detailed information about chakras, can be found in a very good blog article by Erin Pavlina.

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